Editing Globally: An international editorial collective 

Welcome to the first Editing Globally blog post!

We would like to explain a little more about who we all are, why the international editorial collective concept enables us to provide a full editorial service for clients all around the world, and why we formed Editing Globally.

Who are Editing Globally?

We are a group of experienced editorial professionals who have joined together under the Editing Globally banner to offer thorough and comprehensive editorial services to clients across the world. Etty Payne, Janet MacMillan, Katherine Trail, Kelly Lamb, and Madeline Koch are all experienced editors; four of us are Advanced Professional Members of the UK’s Society for Editors and Proofreaders (SfEP) and two are members of the Editors’ Association of Canada (EAC) – Janet being a member of both. We are all incredibly passionate about words and communication.

Why did you form Editing Globally?

We are stronger when we work together! Before forming Editing Globally, we all collaborated on an informal basis, referring work between each other, supporting each other in our professional endeavours, and working on projects together where a team was needed. We came to realize that each of us benefitted from this collegiality and partnership. A collective enables us to offer a more formal collaborative service to clients. Between the five of us, we have a vast range of skills, knowledge, and life experiences, and we can almost guarantee that one of us will know something about any particular topic that arrives in our inbox.

What can you offer clients?

Lots! First and foremost, we aim to offer clients excellent and comprehensive editorial services. By pooling our resources and forming such a clear and cohesive unit, we are able to take on work in almost any discipline, genre, or sphere. We can also undertake big projects with tight deadlines, as we are able to draw on the individual expertise and resilience of the five Editing Globally members. It’s our hope that clients will appreciate having a one-stop shop for their editing needs, and where they know they are working with seasoned, well-trained professionals. A look at the services we offer and our areas of expertise confirms that clients (both potential and current) will be hard-pressed to find all that anywhere else in one place!

What are your qualifications?

Anyone can hang up their shingle and call themselves an editor. However, to offer a professional and knowledgeable service to clients, an editorial professional needs both proper training and practical experience. Four of our members are Advanced Professional Members of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders, which means they have attained the highest level within the organization and have had their training, experience, references, continuing professional development, and other involvement in the profession (such as mentoring or presenting at conferences) verified and assessed by a panel of editorial experts. In addition, two of us are members of the Editors’ Association of Canada. We have all worked as editors for years and have undertaken comprehensive training and continue to do so.

Our biographies show the breadth of both experience and training we all possess, and our testimonials show what other clients have said about us.

In future blogs, we will explore editorial and business issues, so make sure you follow or bookmark us for ease of checking back from time to time. And if you want to get in touch with any of us (or all of us), visit our Contact page.

1 thought on “Editing Globally: An international editorial collective ”

  1. Congratulations on the creation of your collective! I’m really interested to learn from you about how bringing your different specialisms and skills under one umbrella benefits each of you as individual business owners AND amplifies the service you can offer a client. Many of our clients are becoming more aware of the different types (or levels) of editing, and as editorial business owners we need to find effective ways of meeting those needs. You’re responding to that … great stuff!

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